Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra Daddario

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  1. I don’t know if that piece of IMDB trivia about her offering to go topless is true, but I did hear that the producer said the MPAA would slap them with an NC-17 if she were topless. Who knows if they filmed an nude scene or if any of it is true.

    There’s also has a weird bra goof that makes the scene even more contrived. The whole movie is a laughable mess.

    At one point during a January 2013 interview on a Canadian podcast, she and the male hosts started making fun of this scene and nudity contracts in general. I also remember she said something to the effect of “it’s a horror movie, you need this kind of fan service.” First of all, no, you don’t need this kind of stuff in a horror movie. It just sounds like a last-ditch desperate attempt to deflect criticism. That being said, it turns me on when actresses (especially non-Linnea Quigley types) have that kind of un-PC attitude. It’s become increasingly rare.

  2. God you perves, honestly why can’t we just enjoy the acting skills and the quality of the show… *remembers which sub it is and that I’m uber subscribed and notified lol

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