Cara Delavigne

Cara Delavigne πŸ”₯

Cara Delavigne πŸ”₯

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  1. Most women (and photographers) will tell you straight up that one of the worst positions to look good in is flat on one’s back. Gravity pulls boobs into weird positions, its hard to look curvy, difficult to pull attention away from areas people naturally look (crotch) you do not want them to.

    Cara isn’t only very brave for doing this but she finds a way to pull it off as well. This picture really is the best possible result in one of the worst possible positions. It’s easy to see why photographers enjoy working with her, she has so many facets. She can be smokey and sexy, she can go full butch and look tough, she can wear heels and Victoria’s Secret and be as superficially sexy as any supermodel. Cara is just great. I’d work with her in a heartbeat..

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