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How To Rev Up Your Sex Life

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Ah, sex. It fuels our relationships and simply makes life more fun. But lackluster sex – or worse, bedroom boredom – drains intimacy from even the most committed partnerships over time.

Yet, often, there’s no obvious “problem” besides getting stuck in a rut. Life gets busy; libidos change, and bodies change. The hot and heavy honeymoon phase inevitably cools.

But you CAN bring back that spark at any stage of life or relationship. With some education on spicing techniques, honest communication, mindfulness, and play, your sex life can be better than ever.


Amp Up Arousal With Foreplay Focus

Too often, couples rush into intercourse without enough warmup. But tantalizing, creative foreplay is essential for increasing arousal and satisfaction for both parties.

Traditional foreplay like sensual kissing, touching, massage, and oral sex are awesome starts. But why keep it limited to a few predictable moves each time? Explore each other’s turn-ons and erogenous zones for new sensations:

  • Take turns blindfolding each other, then use feathers, silk, ice cubes, and candle wax drops for unpredictable tingles. Deprive one sense to heighten the others.
  • Try sex furniture like paddles, BDSM restraints, vibrators, wedges, and swings to “spice up” positions. Adventure together!
  • Engage in fantasy role-play with costumes – nurse/doctor, professor/student, etc. Live out secret desires.
  • Watch erotic films together. Visual stimulation engages more senses and inspires creativity.

The key is trying new moves before jumping into the old standby penetration each time. Pay close attention to your lover’s breathing patterns and reactions to learn which activities produce the loudest moans 🙂


Boost Endorphins With Laughter

Over the years together, knowing someone so intimately makes sex feel mundane or routine – more a job to check off than a playful connection. But laughter has a way of melting away tension fast.

Don’t be afraid to get silly in the bedroom! Tickle each other. Wear ridiculous lingerie. Break out bad accents or dirty jokes. Gaze into each other’s eyes until someone cracks.

Sex is messy, with weird noises and awkward positions that look hilariously unsexy. Embrace your goofy humanity. The ability to genuinely laugh during intimacy creates deeper emotional bonds and comfort.

And playfulness keeps things far from boring through the years. Take turns initiating in-the-moment pillow fights, wrestling matches, dance parties, or strip teases. It’s impossible to stay in stuck dynamics when you’re busy cracking up!


Tend Your Sexual Garden

That first year together, sex might happen effortlessly with an unquenchable thirst. But in long-term relationships, erotic energy requires more conscious care and feeding – like tending a garden – to keep thriving season after season.

Make the space inviting. Set the mood with mild lighting, candles, and music. Explore each other with loving touch and words. Discover new erogenous zones.

Prioritize intimacy through crazy seasons of life and kids. Schedule sex dates amidst the chaos, then show up fully present. Eliminate distractions in the environment. Protect that sacred time together.

When issues inevitably arise – kids interrupt, work dramas hamper the mood – meet each other with compassion rather than shame or blame. We’re all just doing our best out here.


Broaden Definitions of Intimacy

For many, sex means strictly intercourse. But expanded definitions open creative avenues for staying connected:

  • Sensual Massages – Using oils, take turns giving each other long rub downs without expectation for anything more. Practice giving to your lover’s needs.
  • Soothing Baths – Run a bubble bath with candles and music. Wash and gaze at each other’s bodies with loving reverence. Enjoy the eroticism of caretaking.
  • Cuddling – Facing each other naked, synchronize breath while caressing softly. Cradle, like lovers reunited after years apart.
  • Conscious Kissing – Make out with deep presence while gently scratching arms, backs, and hips. Thrill in the sparks of skin on skin.

There are so many ways to physically connect beyond the penis entering the vagina. Any interaction involving mutual consent and presence stimulates greater intimacy.


Prioritize Emotional Intimacy Too

While physical connection is foundational for bonded partnerships, emotional intimacy proves just as vital long term.

Stay curious about your lover as a constantly evolving person. Make regular space for talking openly about growth, fears, and dreams not yet shared. Schedule weekly check-ins on the relationship and sex itself.

Listen without judgment, especially regarding evolving sexual needs or changes happening in the mind/body. We all have shame around these topics, but honesty ultimately relieves anxiety.

Validate each other’s longings even if feelings seem irrational or desires feel impossible to fulfill now. The heart wants what it wants. Let your person feel heard, and then brainstorm solutions together rather than attack.


The Road Goes On

After the honeymoon phase ends in long-term relationships, the passion and satisfaction won’t happen quite so automatically. Conscious work is required through changing life seasons.

Walk the path ahead with grace. Tend patience for yourselves and each other as evolving beings. Switch things up and get creative before boredom sets in. Laughter heals. Communication opens fresh doors. Notice old patterns with compassion then write new chapters together.

Stay playful. The rest will follow.



Written by Mike

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