Saoirse Ronan (with Kate Winslet) lesbian plot in Ammonite

Saoirse Ronan (with Kate Winslet) lesbian plot in Ammonite

Saoirse Ronan (with Kate Winslet) lesbian plot in Ammonite

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  1. Saoirse’s got a real nice, tight body. Hope she shows off her boobies more clearly in the near future. Kate Winslet is a fucking legend when it comes to on-screen nudity, and I greatly applaud her for continuing to do scenes like this.

  2. From the IMDb trivia page:

    Ammonite (2020)

    Kate Winslet said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter that she choreographed her sex scenes with her costar Saoirse Ronan for this film. “It’s definitely not like eating a sandwich,” Winslet said. “I just think Saoirse and I, we just felt really safe. (director) Francis (Lee) was naturally very nervous. And I just said to him, ‘Listen, let us work it out.’ And we did. ‘We’ll start here. We’ll do this with the kissing, boobs, you go down there, then you do this, then you climb up here.’ We marked out the beats of the scene so that we were anchored in something that just supported the narrative. I felt the proudest I’ve ever felt doing a love scene. And I felt by far the least self-conscious.”

  3. This movie is based on Mary Anning’s life who was a legendary paleontologist.

    Anning’s discoveries became key pieces of evidence for extinction. Georges Cuvier had argued for the reality of extinction in the late 1790s based on his analysis of fossils of mammals such as mammoths. Nevertheless, until the early 1820s it was still believed by many scientifically literate people that just as new species did not appear, so existing ones did not become extinct—in part because they felt that extinction would imply that God’s creation had been imperfect; any oddities found were explained away as belonging to animals still living somewhere in an unexplored region of the Earth. The bizarre nature of the fossils found by Anning, — some, such as the plesiosaur, so unlike any known living creature — struck a major blow against this idea.

    As a Dissenter and a woman, Anning was not able to fully participate in the scientific community of 19th-century Britain, who were mostly Anglican gentlemen.

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