Jennifer Connelly Requiem for a Dream2000

Jennifer Connelly – Requiem for a Dream(2000)

Jennifer Connelly – Requiem for a Dream(2000)

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  1. One of my favourite scenes of all time. Not just because of the physical and visual action but the emotion behind it. The character development prior. You know she’s a completely broken and trapped slut now. And this is basically her life moving forward.

  2. Clearly a body double.

    Side note, I watched this movie at a friend’s house back in the day and this Mormon girl was there watching it too. The amount of times she averted her eyes….

  3. Um…I really hope you arnt watching this scene and getting excited over some tits. Good lord this is one of the most horrific scene in context to ever be put on film.

    Edit: it’s clear you kids are too young to remember the heroin epidemic of the 90s. We have hindsight now but back then you had cocaine and pot…drugs that didn’t kill you. Heroin hit like a bomb because the dangers of addiction were not understood until waaaay too late and heroin was a river flowing down the streets…when it was turned off though, shit got real. Even the fentenyl wave hitting Portland, my current home, pales in comparison to what I witnessed in Harlem in the 90s. People would murder their grandma for a single hit of heroin. Anyway…drugs are bad…except pot…and the occasional shroom.

  4. Never in a million years would I have thought someone is going to post this scene in this sub. It’s the most vile and horrific scene in Aronofsky’s whole filmography. And that’s saying something.

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